A Little Coding This and That From Robyn

You're Already a Boss!

You Truly are a serious Boss just for launching your coding journey! Allow yourself the freedom and excitement of being new.

Be Kind to Yourself

EVERYONE was new once just like you and progressed to where they are in their coding journeys by doing exactly the same thing you are.

Learn and Practice

A mentor and friend of mine, who is a boss senior developer, once said to me: "No one knows it all and if anyone says they do, they're lying."

Wherever you are on your path, be there. It will be more rewarding than rushing yourself through.

Learn and practice is how the magic happens.

Allow Yourself to Play

Relax and breathe. Problem solving is a big part of learning even for the experienced.

Allow yourself to problem solve with a bit of playfulness in your approach.

Playing with your code to learn what happens teaches you a lot.